
"Not an Ode to Breasts" The New York Times, from March 28, 2023 (Tiny Love Stories Series)

"Belladonnas"  Flare: The Flagler Review, from April 2023

"A Photograph from Irpen, July 2022Poetry Archive (Worldview 2022 Series)

"Mrs. Brightside" Paper Dragon, from July 2023

"Chernobyl", "Apollo in South Carolina" Call Me [Brackets], from December 2023

"Blue Butterflies" La Piccioletta Barca, from April 2024

"Sheltering in Kiawah" Broken Lens Journal, Spring 2024

"Dark Night, Where is Your Daughter?" Broken Lens Journal, Spring 2024

"Instructions on Packing Your Nest When Air Borders are Closing" Leavings, from May 2024


"At the Tip of My Tongue..."  Consequence Forum, from March 2023


"Beautiful Prisoners" Scapegoat Review, Winter 2022 & Fourteen Hills, Issue 29

"Beautiful Fighters" The Pinch Journal, 2022

"White Swan" Peatsmoke Journal, Fall 2022

"Beautiful Fighters" Chestnut Review, Spring 2024